Monday, May 23, 2011

Yelle - Ce Jeu

Yelle - Ce Jeu from Yoann Lemoine on Vimeo.

my new fav singer+performer, Yelle. My friend called me an hour before her last US show @the Musicbox with an extra ticket and asked if I wanted to go. I wasn't familiar with Yelle but thought I'd go and find out for myself. Best.decision.ever.

Danced my ASS off and loved every second of it.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

my new obsession.

I dropped by Fashion Island today to pick up some Bobbi Brown gel eyeliner (one of the few makeup items I allow on my face) from Nordstroms and came upon this store:

The company started 30 yrs ago in Rome and has since grown. I LOVE the soft, comfortable fabrics and nautical themed clothing. All the items are MADE IN ITALY and NOT CHINA!!! They just opened the Newport Beach store this past March. The prices are pretty decent, but I have a feeling they'll be raised once more people hear about it and love it. That only means that I should purchase my favs NOW! :]

Saturday, May 14, 2011

This is where I'm going to be mid-July:

Friday, May 13, 2011

Paper Tigers, by Wesley Yang

interesting read. Thanks for sharing, Jiao. Let me know if anyone's up to discuss its content over some stinky cheese and pinot. Only way to do it. :]